A co-worker, her boyfriend at the time, myself and Heather are downtown winter shopping. It's our first real time to go explore the many different stores that downtown has to offer, so we're following Simon (our Chinese friend) as he took us to several places. A shop called "The Bazaar" which is completely dedicated to jeans. IFU (or as I call it: the I F-U) mall, which is many floors of different clothing brands. Ben Sherman (RIP - This store and it's glory burned down one night). And then the "Chinese character store" as I've dubbed it.
Here's where the story gets interesting. Because this store is great, lots of stuff and for cheap. It's a great men's store with a sister store just down the street. However, the men's store is special. Because it has an obstacle. This obstacle is "THE CREEPY LADY". I have no idea who she is, but she looks like a ghost because of the ass load of make-up that she wears. You can ask any foreigner here that has gone into that store and just say, "the creepy lady" and they'll automatically know who you are talking about.
The first time we go into the store she greets us and seems friendly, but she sees my shaved head and immediately asks if I know Michael Phelps. I say I know of him, but she takes it that I am him. Thus starts the creepiness. At first it seemed innocent and kinda cute in a Korean association kinda way. But she won't go away! And now she's excited so she can't form her thoughts properly and was stuttering the entire time. We finally break away and go upstairs. We spent some time up there and when we came back down I was distracted by some cool looking jackets so I branched off to check them out. MISTAKE. Because, like a ninja, she appeared out of nowhere, still muttering and stuttering about Phelps. (This was after the last summer olympics so he was big news at the time). I tried to remain cool and calm but she got uncomfortably close and tried whispering something into my ear and when she realized that I didn't understand I saw her hands motion to her crotch.
When that didn't fly, because the expression on my face was more of panic than it was excitement or joy. She reached for my crotch! I knocked her hand away and quickly pushed my way past the numerous Koreans blocking me from my group and we high-tailed it out of there.
I'm still gun-shy to go into that store alone....
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