Hi! My name is Britton. I'm a river rat living in Korea. It's a good gig with a lot of perks. Wanna read about them?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The River Rat returns

After two years in Korea the Traveling River Rat returns to familiar seas.

Living on the St. Lawrence River for over 20 years, I finally left for S.Korea. While in S.Korea I met awesome people and often talked about my life on the river. After 2 years there, I started to miss things that I used to find fun, but also tedious.

Like kayaking, I've always loved to do it, but never really appreciated the grace that goes into it and that it is the prefect way to see the river. When I decided to come back to the river after 2 years in Korea, I promised myself that I would no longer take living in such a glorious place for granted. That I would take my sense of adventure and exploration and apply it to my summer.

I'm proud to say that I've kept to my promise (even amidst the killer jetlag that has me getting at most 4 hours of sleep a night). But I've been pushing through it and getting out on the river and doing what I've been wanting to do for a long time.

One of the missions that I set myself on, is to get the ultimate shot of the iconic Blue Heron. While I've been successful on some fronts I still think that I can do better. And my mission is going to be a tough one, as the heron is a skittish bird and takes flight over the smallest noise. But its not in my blood to give up, so my mission continues.

One forth of the worlds fresh water flows as the St. Lawrence river. It's amazing to think about and even more awesome to be on. The past two days of kayaking around have been my greatest bliss. When I'm out on the river, I am in just pure heaven. I've seen some pretty awesome things in my travels but so far, nothing can really compare to being in a kayak, gliding along the water's surface; among fish, bugs and the abundance of birds that call the river home.

I missed the river, I missed the wildlife and ecology that surrounds the river. Living and watching nature happen right infront of you, is more of an education than any book can teach.

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