It basically states that people who play games have a better chance at entering "game mode" when in a dream and thus be able to control what happens. It's more prominent for people that have nightmares, since nightmares/night terrors are what cause insomnia and/or other sleeping disorders. Playing a game before sleeping can give your brain a better chance at seeing the nightmare as a game, and thus treat it like one, giving you the control.
Now, here's what I think, this is just me and what I have noticed about myself. I agree with this article. I'm not promoting gaming or saying that I am a die hard gamer, far from it. But I do enjoy the occasional God of War slaughter fest. What I agree with is that the subconscious is a place of flux, constantly sending signals around the brain and picking up on the smallest memory to blow up into a dream. Now how the dream turns out is never predetermined. It's a dream; and dreams are not real.
I have been able to do this far before gaming was cool. Not because of my gaming but because of my discipline. Through my training in karate, yoga, meditation and exercise I have not only gotten my body to be strong, but my mind is fully aware. I've gotten all senses working together and I can isolate when one is needed more than the other. This comes in handy when I'm dreaming as well because no matter how "real" the dream is, I can always find something off about it and thus get control of it.
Dreams are an important part of our nights rest, if its interrupted then our whole day is thrown off. So, we have to do what we can to get control so we can have our full nights rest. Be it games, discipline or just being so bad ass that your dreams know better than to bother you.